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What scholarships for studying in New Zealand can I apply for?

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New Zealand is a popular study destination for international students, but the high cost of studying abroad has also become a bottleneck for many students. Fortunately, the New Zealand government and major schools provide a variety of scholarships to help students reduce their financial burden.

Manaaki New Zealand Government Scholarship

Manaaki New Zealand Government Scholarship is one of the most well-known scholarships for studying abroad. This scholarship covers a number of different programs from undergraduate to postgraduate, aiming to improve the learning capabilities of outstanding students and allow international students to contribute to key areas and sustainable development of their home countries. All eligible students can apply, but they must be over 18 years old, study in New Zealand and live in their original country for 2 years, and have the hope of returning to their home country to contribute to national development after graduation. Currently, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, applications for the Manaaki New Zealand Government Scholarship are suspended, but as the epidemic eases, it is believed that applications will be reopened soon.

University of Waikato Scholarship for Outstanding International Students

University of Waikato Scholarship for Outstanding International Students is open to students studying at the University of Waikato China Study Center or who are in New Zealand students, offering scholarships worth up to $20,000. This scholarship is not currently available to students taking online courses, but once the New Zealand border is fully opened, all new students at the University of Waikato will be able to receive a 20% tuition discount as a travel subsidy.

Victoria University of Wellington Scholarship

The Victoria University of Wellington Scholarship is mainly for first-year undergraduate or master's degree freshmen and can be used to help pay for the first year's tuition fees. And if a dormitory application is submitted, scholarship recipients will be guaranteed a dormitory space. Applicants must first pay the tuition fee in full and start studying the first year of undergraduate or master's degree courses before they can apply for and have the opportunity to receive this scholarship.

The University of Auckland Outstanding International Student Scholarship

The University of Auckland Outstanding International Student Scholarship is provided by the University of Auckland, the first university in New Zealand, once every two years. Up to 50 outstanding international students who will enter the University of Austria can receive scholarships, up to a maximum of $10,000, to pay for their tuition fees. This scholarship is generally open six weeks before the application deadline. International students or students who have received a Conditional Offer and are currently at the English Language Academy of the University of Austria are also eligible to apply. However, students who have already enrolled are not eligible to apply.

In general, New Zealand has many types of study abroad scholarships, which are suitable for international students of different levels and types to apply. For more information, please visit the official website of each university directly or contact the relevant department.

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